Friday, September 23, 2011

Seth Godin is Full of ...

Seth Godin is a bald blowhard without an original idea in his round little head.

Seth Godin is a marketing genius.

Seth Who?


We all have them, even Seth.

Those three statements I have heard this year from 3 different friends.

Seth is one of a about a hundred who have used the internet to enhance his empire.

He is not on Twitter, well not really. His blog, which is updated at least once a day automatically sends out a tweet. ThisIsSethsBlog twitter account has over 112,000 followers.

He does not follow people on Twitter, he does not allow comments on his blog.

So I wonder, should we pay attention to what he has to say about Social Media, if he isn't using it to be social?

Take for example this post from a few days ago:


Here's a way to figure out if it pays to adopt a new technology.

When you talk about your market or your peers, do you say, "no one is using it..." or "no one is using it yet"?

Yet implies inevitability. If they're going to use it, it might make sense to get there before they do.

[Worth considering: The difference between a technology where getting in early pays dividends, and those that don't. For example, having a website or a blog or a Twitter account early can help, because each day you add new users and fans.

QR codes, on the other hand, don't reward those that get in the ground floor. You can always start tomorrow.]

Here we have someone with a lot of influence, talking about things that he doesn't use, at least in the manner that it was designed.

Thinking Like Seth Godin

Personally, I have several of his books. I've even read a few of them. And on one of my other blogs, I post a Sunday Seth which is a bit of Seth wisdom.

My advice is simple.

Listen to lot's of different ideas and opinions and then do what you want.

Yes, learn from others, but don't become a disciple of just one person, even if his name has God in it.

Next week I will feature 6 people I know personally who are demonstrating the Real Power of Social Media.

ScLoHo is Scott Howard, a Solutions Consultant with Cirrus ABS.

You can contact him here:

Illustration source:

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