Wednesday, September 21, 2011

3 Reasons Social Media Isn't Enough (Part 3)

Reason #3 today might fly in the face of advice I've offered in the past.

I have suggested, no, urged you to register your name on as many Social Media Channels as possible to protect your brand.

And I still advocate that with a disclaimer.

Here is the third reason why Social Media Isn't Enough from Robert Flemming, CEO of

3. YOU HAVE TOO MANY ACCOUNTS: It's easy to open social media accounts for yourself and/or your business. One of the objectives of your program should be to attract as many relevant members or likes as you can. Having too many groups or pages usually dilutes that objective. WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT - It is difficult to maintain interest in groups and pages, having too many invites stale material, and disinterest by members.

I have registered my personal brand, ScLoHo, on over 50 social media channels.

But I don't attempt to use all of them.

Some I will post an update on once a year to keep the account active and the message tells people where they can really find me online, with a clickable link if possible.

Some of these channels have disappeared over the years too.

What if you built your business using a social media channel that went belly up?

You would be out of business.

Which means you are vulnerable if you are depending on Social Media alone to be your online marketing presence.

The answer?

Get your own website.

Fork over the bucks for a domain, for hosting, for designing and even better... if you are serious about your business, hire a real company with real credentials to guide and direct you.

(Quick plug, This is one of the services my company does, so contact me via email: or 260.255.4357).

ScLoHo is Scott Howard, a Solutions Consultant with Cirrus ABS.

You can contact him here:

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