Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You Get To Chose

your name, in the Social Media world!

As I mentioned yesterday, when I Googled my name, Scott Howard, over 6 million listings popped up. Bing, the Microsoft search engine produced 49 million listings. Yahoo lists 50 million listings.

Before I started this Social Media Adventure, I was looking for a way to distinguish myself from all the other Scott Howards in the world.

It started with an email address in the 1990's. I took my the first two letters of my First, Middle and Last names and mashed them together and invented the word and name ScLoHo.

Because ScLoHo is unique, I was able to register it on 50+ social media sites. (More on that Thursday).

ScLoHo is also only six letters which is helpful on Twitter since you are only allowed 140 characters and a short name is an asset.

All of my websites, blogs, social media sites and emails use a version of ScLoHo. I even registered my own company name around the ScLoHo name a few years ago.

What about you? Is your name Unique? If not how can you create a unique identity?

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