Tuesday, January 4, 2011

You ARE Social Already

The past couple of years, I have been asked to do presentations, workshops, and even a couple of presentations at a local college on the subject of Social Media.

Often there are people in the room who are clueless about what Social Media is, and there are also others who are "experts and guru's", who know more than I will ever want to know about the workings on the internet.

So my opening question to you is, "Are you on Facebook?"

If the answer is yes, then you ARE social already.

If you are not on Facebook yet, but you are reading this right now, you need to set up a Facebook account.

Facebook is free.

Facebook is the worlds largest social media site.

Over 500 Million Facebook accounts worldwide.

Facebook is trying to take over the world.

They are neck and neck with Google for the most visited website on the web.

So, jump on the band wagon and set up an account on Facebook,


Be careful.

Do not include all of your personal details for the world to see.

Do not include anything that you would not want the world to see.

And by the world, I mean your parents, your children, your minister, your boss, your spouse, your future boss, spouse, etc.

We live in a world of TMI. Too Much Information.

And sometimes that information can and will be used against you.

Now, here's my disclaimer:

I really don't like Facebook. But I am there because "everyone else" is on Facebook.

And in order to stay connected to certain folks, it makes sense to be there.

One or two more thoughts on Facebook and Social Media.

Facebook is like 1st or 2nd grade stuff. We're going to be talking about Facebook on occasion, but Social Media has so much more potential, and we'll share some of those tips and tricks in the weeks ahead.

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