Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blogging Questions: When to Write

Yesterday, I mentioned that I write some of my blog articles before they appear online. Actually, nearly everything I post on one of the blogs is written ahead of time.

I learned a few years ago that maintaining a regular schedule for updates gives your readers something they can rely on.

As a teenager, I had a newspaper route for the afternoon paper. After school I would deliver the paper and everyone of my customers would have their copy before 5pm. They could pick the best time for them to read it, but there was a need to deliver on time and on schedule.

The same is true for many things in life, a regular schedule is attractive.

But since writing and editing a blog is only a part of my daily life, I needed to decide when I was going to write and when I was going to publish.

Both Blogger and WordPress allow you to schedule when you articles will be published.

For those of us using Blogger, click on post options...

Then on the right you will see where you can pick the date and time...

WordPress is similar.

As you might have noticed, it was Saturday morning when I was writing this article, but due to the scheduling option, it didn't appear until noon today, Thursday April 7th.

I write when I have the time. I have at least 1/2 of my weekly posts written a week before they are published. Some are updated daily.

My publishing schedule is pretty aggressive with 4 blog sites:

ScLoHo's Collective Wisdom shares some of the best Wisdom and Information related to Sales, Advertising, Marketing and Media from dozens of sources. I update at 6am and 6pm with either a noon update, or a 10am and 2pm update too; 7 days a week.
The Not-So-Secret Writings of ScLoHo, are strictly the words of ScLoHo on the subjects of related to Sales, Advertising, Marketing and Media. This is updated at 7am every Tuesday.
ScLoHo's Really? is a more personal site that also include a Fort Wayne site of the day to promote my home town. This is updated at 6am and 4:08pm 7 days a week.

ScLoHo's Social Media Adventure is devoted to introducing you to various social media tools and tips. This is updated at noon 5 days a week.

I urge my friends and clients to set a regular schedule of at least once a week at the same time and day each week.

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