Friday, August 26, 2011

Enough with the Rules...

I've posted a few items about Social Media RULES.

Today, a different approach.

Social Media Etiquette

And I'll preview the list from Nick Kroll but you really should read the original at the site.

Here's how he starts:

It seems that we fill every waking moment on one social-media site or another.

Waiting for an elevator? Send a tweet. On the toilet? Check Facebook. Avoiding actual work? Get sucked into a YouTube vortex of "Macho Man" Randy Savage videos.

These social-media sites are like the 21st-century town square, so you need to behave accordingly.

You wouldn't choose to embarrass yourself by releasing your bowels in public, but things are a bit more complicated online. So by sharing my tips, I hope to help you avoid taking virtual dumps all over the social-media town square.

The few highlights from the list:

1. Have a real picture of yourself as a profile pic.

2. Don't give me constant updates of where you are eating or shopping.

6. When someone dies, don't immediately reduce his or her entire life down to 140 characters of snarky dismissal.

12. Do not tag me in photos that I am not in to get me to look at them.

14. Don't take pictures of your private parts and send them around willy-nilly, because they will end up on the Internet.

Enjoy your weekend. and smile sideways :)

ScLoHo is Scott Howard, a Solutions Consultant with Cirrus ABS.

You can contact him here:

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