Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fake Transparency

Last month I attended the SMCIndy meeting.

Social Media Club in Indianapolis.

My plans for the next few months are to do a monthly visit to Indianapolis for business and the dates I choose are related to dates that there are social media gatherings that I want to attend.

There were at least three topics that were discussed while I was in Indy that have inspired me to write at least three articles, including this one on the topic of:

Fake Transparency

Despite the supposed loss of privacy due to Social Media, we really have can control a lot of what is online about us as individuals simply by deciding what to share online.

You control your profiles, your words, pics & videos that you share.

The only problem is that Facebook keeps changing their privacy settings, which most people don't stay on top of.

But there is another type of Transparency that was running through my mind the other evening.

I know a few people who use Twitter, Facebook and other Social Media channels on behalf of someone other than themselves.

Most are doing it for a business or non-profit organization, which is fine, however...

Most of the organizations don't want to it made public that they have ghost writers.

And most ghost writers don't want it known who their clients are.

Personally I don't like this. This is what I call Fake Transparency.

Instead, do what other companies and organizations do.
They have a Spokesperson, not a Ghost Writer.

It may sound like a minor difference, but it is a major attitude difference.

We want to know who we are talking to. That's why it's called Social Media.

More on this in the future, but your comments are always welcome..

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